Newsletter Stories

Tuesday, 30 October 2012
National Controlled Wood Risk Assessment Deadline Extended to 2014

At the 2011 FSC General Assembly the FSC Membership passed Policy Motion 51 to “Strengthen the Controlled Wood System.”

The motion included a revision of the Controlled Wood Standard (FSC-STD-40-005), an evaluation of existing risk assessments, the phase-out of company developed Risk Assessments and the development of FSC National Controlled Wood Risk Assessments by December 31st, 2012.

On September 24, 2012, the FSC International Board of Directors passed a motion to extend of the cut-off date for company risk assessments until December 31, 2014.

The decision was based on the Controlled Wood Working Group’s recommendation to align indicators with the revised Principles & Criteria for making risk designations and to develop a new procedure for developing National Risk Assessments to increase their rigor, consistency and value.

As such, the FSC International Controlled Wood Working Group feels that additional time is needed for FSC to develop the new requirements, and for National Offices to implement them.

FSC Certificate holders can continue to develop and implement their own FSC Controlled Wood verification program according to the Controlled Wood Standard (FSC-STD-40-005 V2.1 AND FSC-DIR-40-005) until December 2014.

Next Steps
The revised indicators and procedures are currently being developed by FSC IC and will be discussed during the FSC IC Controlled Wood Working Group Meeting in mid-November. The revised indicators will then undergo a 60-day consultation period, along with the revised draft Controlled Wood Standard, FSC-STD-40-005v3. Once a solid draft of the indicators and procedures are developed, FSC US will use them to continue developing a National Controlled Wood Risk Assessment.

Please contact Gary Dodge at at us.fsc point org if you have questions.