FSC Continuing Education
If you are an architect, designer, contractor or someone who is interested in learning about why sourcing FSC-certified materials is important to your project, how to find FSC-certified materials, and how to document the FSC-certified materials for use in LEED and other green building certifications, this course is for you.
Course: FSC-Certified Wood in Construction and Green Building
It is AIA approved to provide 1 Learning Unit / Health, Safety, and Welfare (1 LU/HSW), as well as 1 GBCI general hour of continuing education credit through the on-demand version.
Click here to access the course on GreenCE, an online, on-demand platform for individual learners to earn continuing education credit at their convenience.
FSC is also hosting a limited number of live, online, lunch & learn style presentations – including Q&A - for your company. Please email Jonathan Reese, j.reese at us.fsc point org, for booking information and scheduling.
This course will educate you on the value of the FSC system, how it applies to major green building rating systems, such as LEED and Living Building Challenge, and the essentials of sourcing FSC-certified wood for your green building project.
You will learn how to:
- Explain why FSC-certified building products are key to green buildings that benefit building owners, building occupants and the environment, and why building professionals play an important role in promoting sustainable forest management in North America and beyond.
- Describe what to look for in a leading forest certification system when specifying certified wood products, including potential contribution toward LEED and Living Building Challenge certification of a project.
- Review the rules for how FSC-certified wood works in the LEED green building rating system, clarify the opportunities in LEED v4 and LEED 4.1 standards as they relate to FSC, the International Living Future Institute’s Living Building Challenge, and FSC Project Certification.
- Identify the tools, strategies and resources that building professionals can use to encourage market transformation and sustainability in the forest products industry, including both environmental benefits as well as benefits to the built environment for end users.