US National Risk Assessment Implementation Resources
for companies sourcing Controlled Wood from the conterminous United States (excluding Alaska, Hawaii, and the US Territories)
US NRA Launch Webinar
US NRA Guidance Documents
US NRA Implementation Questions and Answers
This document is based on questions received by FSC US and Certification Bodies. It will be updated as new questions and information are received.
- US NRA Implementation Questions and Answers (last updated December 7, 2021)
Resources for Mitigation
The following documents provide lists of organizations, regional programs, collaborative partnerships, research groups and universities, or agencies who are working on issues relevant to the risk topic indicated. The documents are provided as resources for certified organizations as they seek to implement mitigation options. The lists will continue to be updated as new information is identified.
- Cape Fear Arch CBA - Resources for Mitigation
- Central Appalachian CBA - Resources for Mitigation
- Central California CBA - Resources for Mitigation
- Central Florida CBA - Resources for Mitigation
- Florida Panhandle CBA - Resources for Mitigation
- Klamath-Siskiyou CBA - Resources for Mitigation
- Southern Appalachian CBA - Resources for Mitigation
- Cheoah Bald Salamander - Resources for Mitigation
- Dusky Gopher Frog - Resources for Mitigation
- Houston Toad - Resources for Mitigation
- Lesser Slender Salamander - Resources for Mitigation
- Patch-nosed Salamander - Resources for Mitigation
- Old Growth Forests - Resources for Mitigation
- Late Successional Bottomland Hardwoods - Resources for Mitigation
- Mesophytic Cove Sites - Resources for Mitigation
- Native Longleaf Pine Systems - Resources for Mitigation
- Forest Conversion - Resources for Mitigation
Potential Mitigation Partners
The following organizations that have provided information specifically targeted for companies who need to implement risk mitigation associated with the FSC US National Risk Assessment. (Please contact Amy Clark Eagle,, if your organization would like to explore opportunities for partnering with affected companies.)
FSC International Controlled Wood Implementation Materials
FSC International has published a packet of controlled wood implementation materials. Because the US is taking a unique approach, not all of the content within these documents will be relevant. This packet of materials includes:
CB Standard
Chain of Custody Evaluations (FSC-STD-20-011 V4-2) is the standard that includes requirements to be followed by FSC accredited certification bodies when auditing Chain of Custody certified organizations. Section 6 specifically covers evaluations of controlled wood according to FSC-STD-40-005 V3-0.
The following consultants are those that FSC US is aware are actively working to develop solutions specifically for clients that need to implement risk mitigation associated with the FSC US National Risk Assessment. (Please contact Jenna Mueller,, if you would like to be added to this list.)
- American Green Consulting Group, LLC - Phone: (888) 662-8854; Email:; Web:
- Delphi Advisors - Phone: (208) 855-4795; Email:; Web:
- Greener Options Inc. - Phone: (901) 581-4360; Web:
- Mason, Bruce & Girard, Inc. - Phone: (503) 224-3445; Web:
- MixedWood LLC - Phone: (207) 864-5025; Web:
- Renewable Strategies - Phone: (802) 989-0476; Email: