Using FSC Trademarks
The FSC trademarks may be used in a variety of ways. The most common and widely recognized trademark use is as a label on FSC-certified products to demonstrate that a specific product was derived from a responsibly managed forest.
Trademarks can also be used by certified companies to promote their FSC certification on promotional pieces (i.e., website, marketing materials, etc.) and by non-certified companies that are looking to promote finished and labeled FSC products. They can also be used for educational purposes by media, NGOs and educational institutions.
There are different regulations for trademark use depending on the industry and the purpose of trademark use.
Certificate Holders (Chain of Custody & Forest Management)
Chain of Custody and Forest Management Certificate Holders that are already certified by an accredited Certification Body are eligible to use the FSC trademarks. Logo use in such cases is managed by your respective Certification Body. Click here to learn more.
Non-Certificate Holders
If you are not certified, but want to obtain authorization to use the FSC trademarks, you need to either get certified, or apply to become a Trademark Licensee. Click here to learn more.
Note: FSC membership does not entitle you to use the FSC trademarks. All organizations need to be either certified or licensed to use the FSC trademarks. If you have questions about your eligibility, please contact us at info at us.fsc point org. To learn more about membership, go here.