Newsletter Stories

Friday, 15 March 2002
An Open Letter to Members from the FSC-U.S. Board of Directors

At our recent board meeting in early March, the FSC-U.S. Board of Directors unanimously affirmed that the organization should take several steps that will result in positive changes for FSC stakeholders and an overall strengthening of the FSC. read more …

Friday, 15 March 2002
2.1 Million Acre Certification in Canada Completed

FSC-accredited certifier SGS Qualifor recently certified 2.1 million acres (855,000 ha) of public forest in Ontario from Georgian Bay to Algonquin Park, the largest FSC-certification of public land in Canada. Westwind Forest Stewardship Inc. (SGS-FM/COC-0931), a not for profit community based forest management company manages the land for the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (OMNR). read more …

Friday, 15 March 2002
485,000 Acres of Main State Lands Certified

At a press conference on March 19 in Augusta, Maine, Governor King, FSC-U.S. Executive Director Hank Cauley, and FSC-accredited Scientific Certification Systems’ Dr. Robert Hrubes announced the certification of 485,000 acres of state-owned forestland. The species-rich forests are located in the transition zone between the northern hardwood region and the boreal spruce-fir forest. read more …

Friday, 15 March 2002
Ozark Ouachita Standards Open for Public Comment

The FSC Regional Standards for the Ozark Ouachita region of the United States are available for public comment on until May 18, 2002. Comments can be made directly on the website, or via fax (707.599.0536) or through the mail to Ben Addlestone, FSC-U.S., 39-1/2 South G Street, Arcata, CA 95521 USA. read more …

Friday, 01 March 2002
A World of Wood on the Web:

In the first five months of existence, the Certification Resource Center (CRC), a searchable online database hosted by the Certified Forest Products Council (CFPC), is growing strong. With over 19,000 hits, it has become a staple for consumers and businesses searching for suppliers of certified products. read more …

Friday, 01 March 2002
Forest Stewards Guild

Partner Profile. The Santa Fe-based Forest Stewards Guild is a forestry organization committed to demonstrating the viability of third-party certification under the FSC system. Membership is comprised of professional foresters and other natural resource managers, landowners, and conservation group employees, currently totaling over 430 individuals. read more …