Tuesday, 01 March 2005
FSC General Assembly 2005
4th Gathering of FSC's Highest Body to Convene in Brazil
FSC International Center (FSC-IC), under direction of the international Board of Directors, has begun to prepare the 4th FSC General Assembly 2005, to be held from December 7th to 9th, 2005 in Manaus, Brazil. The Forest Stewardship Council Statutes mandate that a General Assembly of members must be held every three years.
The General Assembly is the highest decision making body in the FSC and is exclusively responsible for revising the Statutes, By-Laws and the Principles and Criteria, under which FSC operates.
Over the next few months a detailed schedule will be prepared including a designation of the dates for the formal business meeting. Currently, however, the Board of Directors is forming a Motions Committee, which will have a balanced representation from North and South, and will be supported by a designated staff person.
Any FSC member is allowed to submit a Motion to the Committee for possible discussion and voting at the General Assembly. Motions shall be sent to the Motions Committee, and must be moved by one and seconded by two designated representatives of FSC member organizations or individual members. Motions are due to the committee no later than June 10, 2005. It is highly recommended that motions receive seconds from members of all three FSC membership chambers (social, environmental and economic). This will help to identify the motions that have the broadest support. Motions can be sent to Motions2005@fsc.org
The General Assembly is an opportunity for FSC Members to do much more than the formal business of a General Assembly. This may include training sessions, workshops, updates, and the sharing of experiences. To make the best use of this opportunity FSC Members are encouraged to send recommendations for the General Assembly agenda and associated events to FSC-IC (g.garza@fsc.org).