Newsletter Stories

Saturday, 03 December 2011
Dr. Michael Conroy becomes board chair of FSC International

Michael Conroy

In November 2011, Dr. Michael Conroy was elected chair of the FSC International board of directors.

A retired professor of economics from the University of Texas at Austin and Yale University, Dr. Conroy is an individual Social Chamber member who has been deeply involved with FSC since 1994. His contributions to FSC have been numerous, ranging from funder (during his days at the Ford Foundation) and as co-founder of the FSC Global Fund, to advocate for market-based conservation, and tireless volunteer.

Currently serving as chair of the FSC-US board of directors, Dr. Conroy will step down from that position, although he will remain an active member of the US board.

While Dr. Conroy is one of the most eloquent advocates for the FSC system overall and the chamber-balanced approach it has pioneered, he holds a special place in his heart for the Social Chamber. Expect his work in this arena to continue, as he guides the organization through continued growth and development.

Congratulations Michael!