The Global FSC Certificate Database contains the most up-to-date information on FSC certificates, both Forest Management and Chain of Custody.
The database can be used to:
1) Verify that a company is FSC certified.
2) Search for FSC certified companies or products.
Verify that a company is FSC Certified
To use the database to verify an FSC claim, follow these steps:
1) Go to
2) Type in the 'FSC License Code' (Example: FSC-C######) *Note: Each certificate has a unique license code assigned to it. You can find this license code either on the invoice you receive from an FSC certified supplier or listed in the on-product label, which can be found on the FSC product or its packaging.
If the company you are searching has a valid certificate, their information will show in the results. You can click on the link in the results section to learn more about their certificate, when it expires, who to contact, what products fall within the scope of their certificate, etc.
If a search for the company does not show any results, the certificate is not valid. It has expired, was terminated, or was suspended. Double check that you have entered the certificate number exactly as you found it on the product. If you think the use of this license code is fraudulent and would like to report it, please go here.
If you are an FSC-certified company and there is incorrect information about your certificate, please contact your Certification Body.
Search for FSC Certified Companies or Products
You can search for FSC-Certified Companies or Products using the following information:
Certificate Code
FSC Certificate Codes are found on invoices from FSC certified companies and the codes follow the format: XXX-XXX-######. The first set of letters is an abbreviation of the Certification Body who provided the certification services. The second set of letters refers to the type of certification - FM (Forest Management), COC (Chain of Custody), CW (Controlled Wood) or FM/COC (combined Forest Management and Chain of Custody). The six digits are a unique number for that company.
FSC License Code
FSC License Codes are seen on FSC labels and promotional use of the FSC logo, and these codes follow the format FSC-C######. Each certificate has a unique License Code assigned to it.
Find FSC Certified Products
If you are trying to locate a specific FSC certified product, you can use the Product Classification tool to search for certified companies who distribute and/or manufacture the product. The Product Classification tool uses dropdown menus to allow you to choose a product type. To begin, specify your search at Level 1. You can narrow your search further with Level 2 if desired.
Certificate Details
After you click the Search button, you will see a list of relevant certified companies result. When you click on a company's record, a new window will open that is specific to the company's FSC certificate. On this page, there are three main tabs, General Data, Product Data and Reports. General Data includes information such as the location, contact information, and certification issue and expiration dates. The Product Data tab includes information on the types of materials that are in the scope of that certificate. The Reports tab includes reports such as annual audit reports.
Other tips:
- Only one field needs to be filled in to complete a search
- Make sure the company name is spelled correctly
- When searching by species, use the scientific or latin name rather than the common name. For a list of species' scientific names, click here.
- When searching by state, try both the abbreviation and spelling the entire state name.
- Please note this database will only search for companies that are current FSC Certificate Holders, typically manufacturers and distributors. While many retailers carry FSC certified products, these retailers will not show up on the certificate database if they are not FSC certificate holders.
- If you have additional questions, please email info at us.fsc point org or call the FSC US office at (612) 353-4511.
You can also use the FSC Global Certificate Database to verify Project Certification or Non-Certificate Holder Trademark Licenses.