Technical Updates

Monday, 22 October 2007
FSC-US Regional Standards Review Process

FSC-US is now entering Phase II of the Regional Standards Revisions Process of actual revisions to the standards, building off the Phase I Standards Review and stakeholder consultation. read more …

Tuesday, 22 May 2007
Standards Revision Process

Announcing FSC Member And Stakeholder Meetings read more …

Saturday, 21 October 2006
Revised Controlled Wood Standards Approved

Two new versions of the FSC Controlled Wood standards (Version 2-0) of FSC-STD-30-010 FSC Controlled Wood Standard for Forest Management Enterprises and FSC-STD-40-005 Standard for Company Evaluation of FSC Controlled Wood were approved by the FSC International Board of Directors earlier this month. read more …

Saturday, 21 October 2006
FSC-US Regional Standards Review: Comment Period Open

FSC-US recently completed an independent review of the nine regional standards as a first step in the process to revise these standards. To encourage public participation, the results of the Standard Review have been released for a 60-day review and comment period. read more …

Tuesday, 20 June 2006
FSC Pesticide Policy: Final Decision on the FSC International Board of Directors

Following the recommendation report submitted by FSC Executive Director Heiko Liedeker to the FSC International Board of Directors on April 28, 2006, for a decision on actions to be taken to address concerns raised regarding the FSC Pesticides Policy, the FSC Board of Directors has taken into account the issues raised and has made the following decisions: read more …

Monday, 08 May 2006
Policy Regarding “Partial Certification” Temporarily Suspended

At their June 2005 meeting, the FSC International Board of Directors approved a revised policy regarding forest management partial certification, entitled “FSC policy in relation to the implementation of FSC Criterion 1.6 by Forest Management Enterprises.” The issue of “partial certification” had been discussed several times by the FSC Board of Directors and by the FSC membership at the 2002 General Assembly. read more …