Technical Updates

Tuesday, 30 April 2013
Thank You For Commenting on the International Generic Indicators


April 30, 2013

With the first comment period for the International Generic Indicators (IGIs) closed April 30, FSC US would like to thank those members, certificate holders, and other stakeholders who took the time to be involved in the process by submitting comments, either to FSC US or directly to the IGI Group. FSC US developed a suite of tools and communication materials during the comment period, including webinars, a survey, an issue paper, and a crosswalk with our current FSC US Forest Management Standard. We were very pleased with the level of stakeholder participation in the consultation period and recognize that the process guiding our transition to the revised Principles and Criteria is a top-priority in our forest management program. 

We’d also like to publicly recognize and thank Fran Price, from the Nature Conservancy and the FSC US Board, and Vivian Peachy, from FSC Canada, for serving as co-representatives on the IGI Group for North America. To follow the IGI process and keep apprised of its progress, please see the dedicated IGI website (

Any stakeholders who would like copies of the developed materials, who are interested in participating in future IGI work, including consultations, please contact Dr. Gary Dodge ( to be added to the FSC US Standards and Policy Forum list. General IGI inquiries can also be sent to Dr. Dodge.