Friday, 01 February 2002
Pacific Coast Regional Standards Open for Public Comment
The Pacific Coast Working Group of the Forest Stewardship Council-U.S. is pleased to announce the public review period for draft 6.0 of the Pacific Coast Regional Standards for Responsible Forest Stewardship. The review period will be from January 18, 2002 until March 20, 2002.
The intention of the public review is to provide the Working Group with input that will strengthen the content and viability of the document. Comments on the concepts contained in the draft standards will be welcome, but specific comments that recommend modifications to the language of the document are most valuable.
Public comments should be entered through the FSC-US standards website If for any reason you are unable to input comments via that website, please send written comments to Ben Addlestone, FSC-US, 39-1/2 South G Street, Arcata, CA 95521 USA.
In February, FSC-U.S. forester Ben Addlestone and Phil Guillery, of the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy will travel to Oaxaca Mexico to work with FSC international staff to finalize the Lake States Regional Standards before presentation at the international board meeting in March. FSC-U.S. would like to offer thanks and congratulations to Phil, for coordinating the standards development, to Nick Brown of World Wildlife Fund for facilitating the process, and to all the environmental and social organizations, economic representatives, and public and private foresters gave input into the standards.