Technical Updates

Friday, 03 February 2012
Lake States Regional Network Update

The first annual Lake States Regional Network meeting on November 10th, 2011 brought together 33 regional leaders representing the FSC network. The meeting participants included certified landowners, manufacturers and retailers, FSC members, state and county foresters, FSC certifiers and FSC-US staff.

During this meeting, participants discussed the opportunities and objectives for FSC in the Lake States, and made a commitment to furthering this discussion through the formation of a regional steering committee. This committee was charged with identifying overall goals for the region, developing a strategic plan and vision, and discussing the 2012 work plan, with focus on a limited number of primary activities.

The steering committee had their first meeting via conference call on January 30th, 2012. This meeting prioritized the regional topics that were identified from the Lake States Regional Network Meeting, naming the three primary objectives for Lake States region in 2012 as FSC outreach, FSC education, and logger chain of custody. A follow-up steering committee meeting in early March will focus on these top three objectives and will identify the next steps towards accomplishing regional goals.

For more information on the Lake States Regional Network, contact Lori at