Thursday, 03 November 2011
Revised Principles & Criteria
After three years of careful work, the Review of the FSC Principles & Criteria is in the final stage: Voting by FSC members. The voting period runs November 1, 2011 – January 31, 2012.
FSC has developed a dedicated website to support participation by members, where you can find the final draft of the revised P&C, voting instructions and other information.
The Principles & Criteria are the core of the FSC system, creating a uniform standard that is applied worldwide.
Only FSC members are eligible to vote on the revised P&C, with majority support from all three chambers required to approve the changes.
The staff and board of FSC US encourage all US-based members to vote. In addition, the board of directors of FSC International issued a statement about the P&C Revisions.
More information can be found at [/url][url=]