Technical Updates

Saturday, 31 July 2010
US National Standards Launch

On July 8, 2010, FSC-US announced the launch of the revised Forest Management Standard for forest operations in the contiguous U.S. The revised standard, which was approved by FSC International, requires all accredited forest management standards based on its 10 Principles and 56 Criteria to undergo a review and consider necessary revision every five years.

“We are thrilled to launch the new US Forest Management Standard,” said Corey Brinkema, President of FSC-US. “The revised standard captures the on-the-ground practices that represent genuine forest stewardship and provide the foundation for FSC-certified forestry in the U.S. The completion of this effort, coupled with accelerating adoption by American retailers and manufacturers, provides a fantastic opportunity for promoting the values of forest stewardship and FSC with the American consumer.”