Tuesday, 17 January 2023
Climate & Ecosystem Services Planning in Vancouver
In late November 2022, teams from FSC US, FSC Canada and FSC International met in Vancouver, British Columbia to map out a strategy for a Climate & Ecosystem Services program in North America. With markets rapidly developing for credits and claims related to carbon storage, biodiversity conservation and other ecosystem services, FSC is moving to tailor its global plans to meet the needs of US and Canadian companies and forest managers.
Since forests are much more than simply stores of carbon, FSC is prioritizing strategies to ensure that the multitude of forest values – such as water, biodiversity, soils, cultural uses, recreation and more – remain part of any high-quality, high-integrity approach to nature-based solutions.
As markets develop rapidly, a fundamental principle for FSC is that any claim or credit generated must deliver value back to the forest managers. After all, it is the FSC-certified forest managers who are doing the hard work to generate and maintain the ecosystem services (along with Mother Nature, of course).
The FSC Climate & Ecosystem Services Strategy for North America is being finalized now. Once it is ready to share FSC will be reaching out to certificate holders, members and others to explore opportunities for partnership. If you are interested in learning more, please contact Brad Kahn (b.kahn@us.fsc.org).