Sunday, 15 September 2002
FSC-U.S. Nearing Completion of Regional Standards
FSC-U.S. is nearing completion of all nine of its regional standards for the “lower 48" states. Regional standards provide specific application of the FSC Principles and Criteria, adapting them to address region-specific ecological, economic, and social needs.
The Lakes States standards were recently endorsed by the FSC International Board of Directors, joining the Rocky Mountain standards as fully approved standards that are required to be used for FSC assessments in their respective regions. The Northeast and Southeast standards are at the FSC International Board approval level, with final endorsement expected shortly. Following closely behind are the Pacific Coast and Southwest standards, approved by the FSC-U.S. Board on August 12 and currently being reviewed jointly by the FSC Secretariat and FSC-U.S. staff; after which they also will be forwarded to the FSC International Board of Directors for its final endorsement.
The Appalachian and Ozark-Oachita regional standards are nearing review by the U.S. Standards Committee, and the set of regional standards for the Mississippi Alluvial Valley (MAV), will soon undergo the public comment period.
Final endorsement of these standards concludes years of hard work by volunteer members of nine regional working groups. Stakeholders from each region, representing FSC’s social, economic, and environmental interests, have defined practical standards specific to regional forest types and local cultures. This hands-on involvement in standards development is unique to FSC and provides a voice to a broad range of groups and individuals in each region. The U.S. Board and staff greatly appreciate the commitment of regional working group members and coordinators.
For more information see The Appalachian public comment period ends September 23, 2002. Comments are requested via the website or via fax to Ben Addlestone at 707.825.0536 .