Wednesday, 21 July 2021
Comment on FSC North America Forest Carbon Research Methodology
FSC’s North American forest carbon research continues to move forward, with FSC US and Canada working with SCS Global Services to develop a methodology for the project. While the methodology’s credibility with key audiences is paramount, it is just as important to develop an approach that is replicable across North America and around the world.
As construction teams of architects, engineers, and contractors – as well as government, retailers, and manufacturers – increasingly seek information about embodied carbon and the climate impacts of the forest-based products they consume, we view this research as mission critical. Our goal is to support future decision making about forest product purchases byy providing far better climate impact information than is currently available.
Ultimately, if key audiences use this research in their decision making, we will consider the project a success. To this end, we are seeking input on our “Recommended Key Elements in the FSC Carbon Accounting Methodology” to learn how stakeholders like you currently use, or would like to use, forest carbon-related information, and gather feedback about our proposed approach. Review the methodology brief and submit comments now by downloading the document here.
Comments are due by August 31, 2021.
For questions, please contact Brad Kahn (