Thursday, 25 March 2021
Ensuring Carbon Offsets are Credible
By: Brad Kahn & Chris McLaren
As companies work to fight climate change with increasingly ambitious – and needed – commitments to reduce carbon emissions and achieve carbon neutrality, there is growing concern about an over-reliance on carbon offsets. At the same time, a recent report from Ecosystem Marketplace suggests that offsets will need to grow by a factor of 15 by 2030 to stay on track with goals of the Paris Climate Agreement.
As the world’s most trusted forest certification, the Forest Stewardship Council sees vast potential in carbon markets, particularly for projects relying on improved forest management. To encourage the development of high-quality carbon offsets, FSC-US Chief Marketing Officer Chris McLaren and Communications Director Brad Kahn recently developed a summary of available decision-making guidance and resources for Sustainable Brands.
The key takeaways: Stay focused on reducing emissions to the greatest extent possible first, and report emissions transparently, even when using offsets for emissions that cannot be avoided.
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