Wednesday, 15 August 2018
Draft Controlled Wood Strategy Open for Consultation
August 15, 2018
Public Consultation Open July 16 to September 17, 2018
Over the past two years, FSC has been engaging with its stakeholders on a shared vision for the future of ‘FSC Mix’ products and the controlled wood used to produce them.
FSC members and other stakeholders have considered many alternatives, culminating in a three-day workshop in June 2018 based on a format known as ‘Future Search.’ Attendees developed a draft vision, objectives and actions (see attached). All of the elements of this draft strategy are now open for public consultation through September 17, 2018.
A controlled wood strategy advisory group will review the feedback and incorporate consultation recommendations into a final controlled wood strategy document to be presented to the FSC International Board of Directors at the end of 2018.