Newsletter Stories

Saturday, 09 June 2001
1.2 Million Acres in Washington State Recommended for FSC Certification

Hank Cauley, FSC, with Bruce Mackey, Washington DNROn Friday, June 8th, The Pinchot Institute for Conservation, in cooperation with the Washington Department of Natural Resources (DNR), hosted a half-day public presentation on the certification assessment of 1.2 million acres of state forests in Western Washington. read more …

Friday, 01 June 2001
FSC Opens New Office in Arcata, California

With nearly half of all FSC members in the US on the west coast, northern California was a natural choice for the opening of new FSC office earlier this year. read more …

Friday, 01 June 2001
Certified Forest Products International Conference and Showcase

As a prominent member of the Global Forest and Trade Network (GFTN), CFPC is taking its turn this year as the host for the annual international forum featuring exclusively FSC certified products. read more …

Friday, 01 June 2001
FSC in the News

2001 read more …

Tuesday, 15 May 2001
Welcome - 1st edition of FSC News & Views!

Newsletter Archive read more …

Tuesday, 15 May 2001
Top ten companies can help save the world’s forests, a new WWF report shows

Why FSC matters read more …