Newsletter Stories

Sunday, 01 July 2001
NYC Council Proposes Bill to Give Preference to FSC Certification

In July, 2000, NYC Council Speaker Peter Vallone introduced Bill No. 784, also known as the Selective Wood Procurement Legislation, or more commonly the “Good Wood" Legislation. Bill 784 addresses all city contracts involving wood products and materials, and identifies FSC as the best example of an independent, third-party forest certification that includes a separate chain-of-custody system. read more …

Sunday, 01 July 2001
Latest FSC Pierce Brosnan Ad Campaign Launched

The second major ad campaign to feature Pierce Brosnan, otherwise known as 007, James Bond, or Thomas Crowne, is underway read more …

Sunday, 01 July 2001
Forestry Cooperatives Create New Timber Markets

To restore forests degraded after repeated high-grading, community forestry cooperatives, like the FSC-certified Sustainable Forestry Cooperative in SW Wisconsin, are turning to new timber markets to make harvests economically viable. read more …

Friday, 15 June 2001
SmartWood Triples in Three Years, Gears Up for Further Growth

Given its rapid expansion over the past three years, the FSC-accredited certifier SmartWood is making some changes to its organizational structure. read more …

Friday, 15 June 2001
Three Draft Regional Standards Now Available for Public Comment

The Draft Northeast Regional Standards are now available for public comment until August 7th. read more …

Friday, 15 June 2001
Welcome New Members

FSC is pleased to announce the induction of 7 new members into its three equally-weighted voting chambers. read more …