Newsletter Stories

Wednesday, 15 August 2001
Main Gets More Certified Forests

Maine’s Baxter State Park, a unique natural resource for hunting, trapping, hiking, camping, and scientific research, recently earned FSC certification on its 29,587-acre Scientific Forest Management Area. The certification assessment was performed by SmartWood’s northeastern affiliate, the National Wildlife Federation (NWF) Northeast Natural Resource Center. read more …

Wednesday, 15 August 2001
Science at the Core of FSC Standards

In April of this year, the scientific journal Conservation Biology published an article responding to a question raised by Susan Bennett, Wildlife Conservation Society, Malaysia, about the relationship between timber certification and biodiversity in tropical forests. The article was co-written by Hank Cauley and Jennifer O'Connor of the FSC, Richard Donovan of Smartwood and Charles Peters of the Institute of Economic Botany. The following is an excerpt from the published article: read more …

Wednesday, 15 August 2001
The Collins Companies, FSC economic chamber member since June 1995

Partner Profiles read more …

Wednesday, 15 August 2001
From the Forest

by Robert Hrubes, Ph.D., Senior Vice President, Scientific Certification Systems read more …

Wednesday, 01 August 2001
Consumer Awareness of FSC on the Rise

A Message from FSC-US Executive Director, Hank Cauley read more …

Wednesday, 01 August 2001
FSC Certified Wood Used to Rebuild Philly Bridge

William M. Johnson, Streets Commissioner with David Ford, CFPC, Hank Cauley, FSC, and Michael Nutter, City CouncilmanHank Cauley of the FSC and David Ford of the Certified Forest Products Council joined city officials and residents at the Strawberry Mansion Bridge in Philadelphia on June 29th to rededicate the historic landmark. read more …