Newsletter Stories

Tuesday, 15 January 2002
FSC gets a foothold in Finland

FSC-accredited SmartWood recently completed the first forest certification in Finland. The Family Jalas’ Forest, a 230-acre parcel of spruce, pine, and birch, has been owned and actively managed by the family since 1994. Family Jalas’ main objectives are to establish natural succession on the property, and to balance the social, ecological, and economical factors association with managing it. read more …

Tuesday, 15 January 2002
In The News- Idaho Stateman

On January 2, The Idaho Statesman featured a lengthy front page article titled "Market forces foster sustainable forestry". The article paints a good picture of the forces at work in forest certification today. read more …

Tuesday, 01 January 2002
The Nature Conservancy Joins FSC

FSC is pleased to announce that The Nature Conservancy (TNC) has joined the environmental chamber of the FSC membership. The move solidifies the 50-year old organization’s commitment to responsible forest practices around the world. The mission of TNC is to preserve the plants, animals, and natural communities that represent the diversity of life on Earth by protecting the lands and the waters they need to survive. read more …

Tuesday, 01 January 2002
Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy - Partner Profile

The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP) has been an FSC social chamber member since 1998. read more …

Tuesday, 01 January 2002
UCS release report highlighting FSC's potential regarding HCVFs

In conjunction with the Smithsonian Institution’s Center for Tropical Forest Sciences, the Union of Concerned Scientists recently released a report titled Logging Off: Mechanisms to Stop or Prevent Industrial Logging in Forests of High Conservation Value. read more …

Tuesday, 01 January 2002
New FSC hang tag program

FSC-U.S. is pleased to announce a new program whereby companies certified for chain-of-custody can print our standard hang tags with their COC number already on them. read more …