Friday, 01 February 2002
Tennessee Certifies All 158,000 Acres of State Forests
In a press conference on January 28th at the state capital building in Nashville, Tennessee, Governor Don Sundquist announced that 100% of TN’s forestland, some 158,000 acres, is undergoing FSC-accredited certification through the Rainforest Alliance’s SmartWood™ program. Once complete, the certification will make Tennessee the first southern state to have public lands certified in the FSC program. Occurring in seven of the nine major physiographic regions of the state, the certified forestland will be spread across fourteen locations. read more …
Friday, 01 February 2002
Pacific Coast Regional Standards Open for Public Comment
The Pacific Coast Working Group of the Forest Stewardship Council-U.S. is pleased to announce the public review period for draft 6.0 of the Pacific Coast Regional Standards for Responsible Forest Stewardship. The review period will be from January 18, 2002 until March 20, 2002. read more …
Friday, 01 February 2002
Resource Pavilion to showcase forest products at Forest Leadership Forum
FSC-U.S. is pleased to report that the Certified Forest Products Council, the hosts of the Forest Leadership Forum in Atlanta in April, has opened up the forum’s Resource Pavilion to allow exhibitors to display their products and services. read more …
Tuesday, 15 January 2002
Community-Based forestry in Hoopa, CA
Nolan Colegrove Sr., Forest Manager of Hoopa Tribal Forestry in Hoopa, CA, walks along a forest floor amongst green understory vegetation under a canopy of 250+ year old Douglas-fir, the primary commercially-harvested tree found on the 95,000 acres of FSC-certified forest land owned by the Hoopa Valley Tribe. read more …
Tuesday, 15 January 2002
Greenpeace Success for Brazilian Rainforest and Forest Certification
On December 5, 2001 Hamilton Casara, the president of IBAMA, the Brazilian government’s version of the EPA, announced the cancellation of all mahogany operations in the Amazon, effectively preventing any further illegal logging of mahogany in the region. read more …
Tuesday, 15 January 2002
SmartWood Assessor Training
SmartWood is holding their next Assessor Training Workshop at Auburn University, in Auburn, Alabama from February 4 – 6. SmartWood runs these workshops to train natural resource professionals in the fields of ecology, forestry, and social science, on the process and protocols involved in certification. read more …