Wednesday, 05 April 2017
Calling All FSC Building Products Suppliers!
April 5, 2017
FSC is developing a resource list to help project teams find FSC-certified building products in the US.
FSC-certified building products are much more widely available today than even a few years ago. However, there are still markets where it can be a challenge to source specific products on often tight construction timelines.
Not a week goes by that FSC US does not hear from a building project team looking for FSC certified building materials. As a staff team, we work hard to connect these projects with known suppliers.
In addition to maintaining the FSC Product Inquiry Form, we want to make sure we know about suppliers who can consistently source FSC-certified building materials, so we can point project teams in your direction.
To that end, if you supply FSC-certified building products, and you want FSC sending project teams your way, please send us the following information:
- Company Name
- Contact information (Employee name, email, phone)
- FSC products you can typically supply (e.g., flooring, decking, dimensional lumber, plywood, etc.)
Please submit your information using the FSC Building Product Suppliers form.
FSC will use this information to update our resource list, which we share with project teams upon request. Thank you.