Newsletter Stories

Tuesday, 01 January 2002
UCS release report highlighting FSC's potential regarding HCVFs

In conjunction with the Smithsonian Institution’s Center for Tropical Forest Sciences, the Union of Concerned Scientists recently released a report titled Logging Off: Mechanisms to Stop or Prevent Industrial Logging in Forests of High Conservation Value.

The report discusses steps required to conserve the worlds remaining high conservation value forests (HCVF) while still meeting our needs for wood products. They include: reducing or eliminating industrial logging from forests with the greatest value for biodiversity conservation; strengthening the sustainability of forestry operations in regions of relatively lower conservation value; and expanding wood supplies from well-managed plantations.

The report cites specifically how the FSC program can help in achieving these requirements for the continuation of HCVF existence. Our label provides an easy way for consumers to identify products from well-managed forests, thus acting as an indirect mechanism to slow demand for wood products from HCVF. As stated in Principle 9 of the FSC Principles and Criteria, titled “Maintenance of High Conservation Value Forests," FSC’s requirement for the precautionary approach to HCVF management is a direct mechanism for the conservation of these forests.

The report can be obtained online at or by calling             617.547.5552      .