Wednesday, 01 October 2003
Fred Clark Named Ben Meadows “Outdoor Pro Award" Winner for 2003
FSC-US would like to extend our congratulations to Fred Clark, of Clark Forestry, Inc., for receiving the 2003 Ben Meadows Outdoor Pro Award.
Clark is a consulting forester with an FSC Resource Manager certification covering approximately 7800 acres in Wisconsin. As one of the early FSC Resource Managers in the U.S., the certification was conducted by SmartWood, a program of the Rainforest Alliance, in 1999.
When asked by Ben Meadows Company what he thinks are some of the public’s misconceptions about forestry, Clark replied, “…even among ecologists and resource professionals there exists a misconception that forest management only produces timber, and that logging can only degrade other values of land. An ongoing role for us as foresters is to educate our professional partners and challenge those assumptions by demonstrating that silviculture can be a tool for achieving many objectives. This is also for me one of the most satisfying part of this work."
FSC-US senior forester, Bill Wilkinson, commented, “I and the rest of Fred’s colleagues on the Forest Stewards Guild Board felt this award was very fitting. Fred’s thoughtful approach to silviculture and forest management, and his commitment to making sustainable forestry profitable, exemplify the cutting edge of progressive, ecosystem based forestry."
The Ben Meadows Outdoor Pro Award was established to honor outdoor professionals who make a difference. Ben Meadows Company is a business-to-business direct marketer specializing in equipment for the natural resources and forestry management markets.