Newsletter Stories

Wednesday, 01 January 2003
Home Depot is Nation's Largest Retailer of FSC-Certified Wood

The January 2, 2003 Wall Street Journal carried a story on Home Depot’s timber purchasing policy that revealed that the do-it-yourself giant is now the nation’s largest retailer of FSC-certified wood. In 2002 Home Depot sold $250-million of FSC lumber up from $15 million in 1999.

“You just don’t write off Home Depot," said Roger Dower, FSC-U.S. President. “From the evidence we’ve seen, for their product lines, they’re buying everything they can."

FSC-U.S. was also featured in a live piece on Good Day Atlanta, a program on that city’s Fox network station. Roger Dower and host Marc Bailey chatted about FSC products including certified cherry and mahogany rocking chairs from Gary Weeks and Company.