Friday, 15 November 2002
New FSC Handbook Released
The Forest Management Trust has just released a new version of the FSC Handbook for Forest Management Certification in the Southeast United States. The handbook is a guide for landowners, forest managers, and forest product companies to FSC’s voluntary, third-party certification program.
The handbook contains up-to-date information on the trends in forest management certification, case studies, steps toward and options for pursuing certification, answers to frequently asked questions, and a glossary of terms used by FSC. An overview of the Southeast Standard is also provided, as well as extensive contact information for organizations involved in FSC certification.
The Forest Management Trust has coordinated FSC’s Southeast Working Group for the past five years. The Southeast Working Group is made up of regional experts in ecological, economic, ad social aspects of southeast forests. The voluntary group was charged with developing regional certification standards that balance ecological, economic, and social concerns and provide guidance to landowners and managers on how to practice forestry that minimizes negative ecological impacts while maintaining the ecological and social viability of forestry operations.
The 60-page handbook is printed on FSC-certified paper, manufactured by Domtar, Inc. Copies are available through the Forest Management Trust, PO Box 110760, Gainesville, FL 32601, USA, 352.846.2240 ;;