Wednesday, 18 December 2024
FSC North American Conference Sets New Bar
From Good to Awesome!
More than 150 stakeholders gathered in Nashville, Tennessee in late September to celebrate FSC’s first 30 years of impact and chart its future in the US and Canada. Key discussions reflected on FSC's origins, its role today in balancing environmental, social, and economic needs, and its vision for greater influence under new leadership in the US, Canada, and FSC International.
Highlights included the plenary session ""Rooted in Progress"", which featured insights from Indigenous leaders, industry experts, and FSC’s leadership. The opening day ended with an inspirational panel of seven presenters that began with Melody Starya Mobley, the USDA Forest Service’s first black female forester, included a profile of the new Portland airport which includes more than 2.1 million board feet of FSC-certified wood in the 3.8 million board feet that was used in its construction, and concluded with insights into how FSC is supporting the Amazon Climate Pledge Friendly program.
The first evening ended with a 30th Anniversary celebration where Jimmy Bullock received the first ever FSC US President’s Award on behalf of FSC certificate holder Resource Management Service (RMS), and Francois Dufresne was recognized for his service as the outgoing president of FSC Canada.
FSC US held its annual membership meeting and corresponding chamber meetings on day two, and FSC International representatives presented updated global priorities along with a process overview in preparation for the General Assembly in Panama in 2025.