Newsletter Stories

Wednesday, 02 October 2024
Continuing the Conversation Webinar on the FSC COC Standards Revision!

Join FSC US on Wednesday, October 9 at 1:00 PM EDT

We encourage you to continue the conversation on the conceptual phase of the FSC COC Standards Revision.

This webinar will focus on discussing the priorities, issues, and concerns of US stakeholders regarding the Standard Revisions. Your input will help inform others and inform FSC US in our response to the consultation.

You will assist in prioritizing and discussing topics presented in FSC International’s September 25 webinar (available here) as well as the associated questions on the FSC Consultation Platform. Please review these materials and come prepared to discuss your thoughts, concerns, and ideas.

Please register in advance for this webinar. Register here.

We kindly request your guidance on how we can more effectively support COC certification management by completing this brief survey.