Newsletter Stories

Monday, 24 June 2024
Letter from the President: June 2024

Hey everyone!

Wow – what a whirlwind June has been already. I’m 10 weeks in and I’m still processing a lot of information from everyone out there. Many thanks to all of you who have hosted me or FSC US staff thus far (special thanks to Roy O Martin for hosting me in June and taking me on a fabulous forest tour). For those we have not yet visited, the invitation is open – just give us some time and we will get there.

During these visits and ongoing conversations, I have heard your concerns about FSC in the US - what it means, its value, and our direction. I appreciate your openness and honesty. Integrity and honesty are core values for me, and I’m grateful for your candid feedback, even when it’s tough to hear. It’s essential for our growth.

From my conversations with FM certificate holders and members, a few key themes have emerged:

  • Accessibility: We need to make FSC easier to manage with better tools.
  • Value proposition: We need to clarify and improve the benefits of FSC.
  • Marketing support: We need to help you better market your FSC certification to your purchasers.

There is more to address, and I want to hear it from you. For those I have already visited and talked with, you know I mean it. I am here to help you find value in your participation in FSC, and your voice is crucial to this process. We will be hosting a series of regional meetings throughout the remainder of 2024 and 2025 starting with Seattle in late July and early August. So, keep an eye out on these FSC US newsletters for more announcements and make plans to join us when we are in your area.

Despite the challenges, I remain optimistic about our future. We have a talented team, and we’re bringing on more smart people this summer and fall to support our mission. Together, we can make FSC work in the US. Let’s do this!