Newsletter Stories

Tuesday, 16 January 2024
FSC and EUDR: Latest Developments and Upcoming Events

EUDR: One year to implementation. A public webinar hosted by FSC
During this webinar we'll share the latest EUDR developments and FSC’s engagement in these, an update on what FSC has been doing to prepare and align the FSC certification system for compliance, and next steps towards EUDR alignment - the roadmap and upcoming milestones as we work towards a more sustainable and deforestation-free future.

FSC Regulatory Module: Webinars and public consultation
The FSC Regulatory Module forms part of FSC EUDR Aligned. It's a voluntary module that complements existing FSC certification requirements to support EUDR compliance. It presents additional forest management, chain of custody and controlled wood requirements for organizations looking to use their FSC certification to support their efforts to demonstrate compliance with EUDR.

  • Join one of a series of webinars about the module during the course of February
  • Public consultation on the module will be open from February 1-March 1, 2024

Stay informed on the evolution of the FSC Regulatory Module by checking the process page.