Monday, 01 July 2002
Pinchot Institute Completes Comparison Report
The Pinchot Institute for Conservation has released the results of its in-field comparison of the Forest Stewardship Council and the Sustainable Forestry Initiative on actual certification assessments of several areas of public land totaling 700,000 acres.
The comparison is based on a survey completed by the organizations that participated in “dual assessments" on the public/university lands they manage. Their ratings provide insights on the on-the-ground similarities and differences in the FSC and SFI certification programs.
Each organization manages its forests in a distinct manner befitting the unique objectives for state forests, parks, research and teaching forests, recreational areas, demonstration forests, etc. A diverse grouping of land types and the associated political and administrative policies that guide their management enrich the range of insights provided by the participating agencies in this study.
The full report and an MS PowerPoint presentation of the results are available in the “Current News" section. The Doris Duke Charitable Foundation and the Lyndhurst Foundation financed the comparison work and certification assessments.