Monday, 01 July 2002
FSC-U.S. Executive Committee Profile
Ever wonder who’s behind major policy decisions at FSC-U.S.? In upcoming newsletters FSC-U.S. will introduce the members of our unique board of directors.
It is comprised of the same three chambers as our membership: economic, environmental, and social. Each chamber is represented at the board level by three elected board members. Following are three board members’ answers to questions regarding their involvement with FSC:
• Barbara Bramble, Director of the Partnership for Wildlife Program, National Wildlife Federation; environmental chamber member and FSC-U.S. Vice Chair;
• Ned Daly, Forest Policy Director at Consumer’s Choice Council; social chamber member and FSC-U.S. Chairperson;
• Paul Harlan, Vice President of Resources at The Collins Companies; economic chamber member and FSC-U.S. Treasurer.
How do the goals of the FSC fit in with the goals of your organization?
BB: Both organizations are working to achieve landscape level conservation of forest ecosystems. NWF is also a partner of the FSC-accredited SmartWood certification program, so as an organization we are very interested in making the practical side of FSC work, particularly for small landowners in the Northeast and Southeast.
ND: The Consumer’s Choice Council supports labeling and certification as a way to inform consumers about the purchases they are making. Organizations like the FSC allow consumers to use their purchasing power to become part of the solution rather than part of the problem.
PH: FSC is a mechanism for change in the way we manage natural resources. By definition, mankind has to be sustainable over time with whatever we are doing, from commercial fishing to electrical power. We must explore sustainability and figure out mankind’s role in it. The important thing is not where we are in relationship to true sustainability, but rather that we are making progress towards that goal. I believe that the FSC principles and Criteria support the pursuit of sustainability.
Why did you accept the nomination to the board? What is the most important thing you hope to achieve while on the board?
BB: To contribute to the establishment of FSC as a basic and “normal" part of the forest products industry. FSC-certified forests are already a small part of the mosaic of the forest landscape in the U.S. In the future, my vision is that most of the working forests would be FSC-certified. The other major component would be protected areas of forests that are permanently set aside. From a forest industry point of view, FSC needs to be an extremely large player with small and large landowners.
ND: Certification is a critical element to addressing deforestation and it was an opportunity to help move that process forward.
PH: To help ensure that FSC strengthens the market penetration and recognition of what its members stand for. We cannot wish away the worldwide need for forest products nor can we ignore the great ecological benefits that are derived from the forests. FSC should continue to grow and continue to be the most widely recognized international standard setter for forest certification. In the U.S., I would like to increase FSC certified products’ market share and increase the social members in FSC-U.S.
How did you first become involved with FSC?
BB: After the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio, I oversaw the formation of the Global Forest Policy Project, a collaborative effort of NWF, Friends of the Earth, and Sierra Club, which was integral in the formation of FSC.
ND: While I was director of the Resource Conservation Alliance we looked at three areas to address deforestation: habitat protection, reduced consumption, increased efficiency, and certification. After that I began working with the Consumer’s Choice Council and began working with the FSC very closely.
PH: The Collins Companies was the first privately owned landowner in the U.S. to get its land FSC certified. We saw it as a chance to gain market recognition for the forestry our company had been practicing since its inception. I have personally been involved with certification from the land management, sawmill management, and corporate levels.