
Friday, 01 November 2002
USGBC to Hold Green Building Conference

The U.S. Green Building Council is presenting its first annual International Green Building Conference and Exposition in Austin, TX on November 13-15, 2002. read more …

Tuesday, 15 October 2002
A Big Walk in the Big Woods of Big Creek

On September 27th, Big Creek Lumber Company, sitting high on a cliff with spectacular ocean views, hosted a group of 20 FSC supporters for a tour of the company’s FSC certified forest operations near Davenport, CA. Big Creek currently manages 6,800 acres of FSC-certified forestland containing primarily coastal redwood, as well as some Douglas fir. read more …

Tuesday, 01 October 2002
The Yale Forest Forum -- Marketing Certification

On September 24, the Yale School of Forestry and the Environment held its first Forest Forum of the academic year — the topic, “Marketing Certified Forest Products: Linking Forest Management and Markets." Speakers were Samuel Doak, executive vice president of the Certified Forest Products Council (CFPC), Suzanne Mangino, manager of the American Forest and Paper Association’s Office of Label Use and Licensing, Abraham Guillen, market development manager of the Trees Program of the Rainforest Alliance’s Smartwood Program, and Eric Hansen, associate professor of forest products marketing at Oregon State University’s College of Forestry. read more …

Thursday, 15 August 2002
FSC General Assembly Meeting: Nov. 22-26, Mexico

FSC-U.S. encourages all members to attend the FSC General Assembly 2002 in Oaxaca, Mexico on November 22-26 2002. This year members will have the opportunity to discuss and vote on the shape and future direction of the FSC. There will also be an economic chamber meeting prior to the General Assembly. read more …

Thursday, 15 August 2002
Society of American Foresters Conference

Later this year, the Society of American Foresters take over the town of Winston-Salem, North Carolina for their 2002 National Convention. read more …

Monday, 01 July 2002
Conference on Forest Owner Coops and Associations

The U.S. Forest Service, State Foresters in MA, ME, WI, and VT, National Wildlife Federation, New England Forestry Foundation, Cooperative Development Services, Community Forestry Resource Center, Cooperative Development Foundation, CooperationWorks, and the Cooperative Development Institute are hosting a conference in Massachusetts, November 1 & 2, to educate landowners and resource management professionals on how they can organize forestry co-ops to sustainable manage their forests. read more …