
Thursday, 21 December 2006
GreenBuild Conference and Expo 2006

The USGBC’s fifth annual GreenBuild Conference and Expo, held in Denver, CO on November 15-17, 2006, was attended by more than 12,000 design and building professionals. read more …

Saturday, 21 October 2006
FSC-US Hosts First in a Series of Forums

Last month, FSC-US invited leading corporate and conservation leaders to a forum that explored the threats and opportunities along the path to forestry’s ecological and socially sustainable future. read more …

Thursday, 21 September 2006
GreenBuild 2006

Two Dozen FSC Certificate Holders to Exhibit at Premier Green Building Event read more …

Tuesday, 20 June 2006
FSC Proved a Great Presence at AIA

AIA Conference BoothThousands of Architects At Annual Conference Learn about Importance of FSC read more …

Tuesday, 20 June 2006
FSC Trade Fair in Brazil

The second FSC Trade Fair in Brazil was held from April 18th to April 20th, 2006 in Sao Paulo. Several organizations partnered to put this event together including, FSC Brazil, Imazon and Imaflora. read more …

Thursday, 01 December 2005
FSC International Communit Convenes for General Assembly

FSC Members From Around the WOrld Gather in Brazil read more …