Saturday, 03 September 2011
September 30: Interactive Webinar with FSC Leadership
While the staff and board of FSC US talk with people every day with many different perspectives, we want to create additional channels for dialogue.
So on September 30th we will be holding an interactive webinar with stakeholders, hosted by Corey Brinkema, president of FSC US. This webinar / conference call is one of the activities planned for FSC Friday, which is being held worldwide on September 30th.
Times for the webinar, depending on your time zone, are as follows:
- 2pm – 3pm EST
- 1pm – 2pm CST
- 12pm – 1pm MST
- 11am – 12pm PST
The primary purpose of the webinar is to answer questions from stakeholders. In addition, we will take a few minutes to describe FSC’s global and US strategies for the next few years. From RSVPs to date, some of the questions people have asked include the following:
- What are the next steps with LEED 2012?
- How does FSC plan to grow supply in the Southeastern US?
- How will changes in Controlled Wood risk assessments affect sources within the US, especially in the Pacific Northwest?
- What’s the status of harmonized US standards?
- What is happening with Gibson Guitar Company and the Lacey Act?
- How will new Chain-of-Custody standards affect US certificate holders, especially those sourcing wood and pulp from other countries?
- Which motions passed at the last FSC General Assembly will be implemented most quickly and which ones will have the biggest impacts?
If you are interested in participating in the webinar, please RSVP by September 28th to Kylle Jordan at to receive the login or call-in information.
Please include any questions you would like answered during the call.
We will be sending login / call-in information to all people who have registered on September 28th.