Tuesday, 01 March 2005
Workshops in Ecological Forestry
Taught by Leading Experts and Pioneering Local Practitioners
The Conservation Forestry Network, a partnership between the Open Space Institute, Interforest, and The Conservation Fund, is promoting the application of ecological forestry through a series of management training workshops. These workshops target practicing foresters from the public, private and nonprofit sectors, and explore forestry practices that maintain biological diversity and ecological services and achieve economic return.
Four workshops will be held across the country this year. Dr. Jerry Franklin, one of the world’s most prominent ecologists, has developed a core curriculum that will stress place-based and customized approaches to harvesting through a mix of new science, case studies, discussion and site visits.
For more information on locations of the workshops, curriculum, or to register, please contact Amy Offen at the Open Space Institute at (212) 629-3981 x233 orwww.osiny.org/conservationforestry.