Thursday, 15 August 2002
Society of American Foresters Conference
Later this year, the Society of American Foresters take over the town of Winston-Salem, North Carolina for their 2002 National Convention.
The SAF is a non-profit scientific and educational organization that represents the US forestry profession. The goal of the society is to advance the science and practice of forestry, while ensuring the health and continued benefits of the forest ecosystem.
The theme of this year’s convention is “Forests at Work," recognizing that “forests provide a foundation for our country’s physical, social, and economic well-being." Foresters from all over the country will be in attendance to participate in the more than 100 sessions taking place over the five-day convention. Leaders in the forestry profession will be on hand to discuss a myriad of topics ranging from forest ecology and protection, to the economic issues faced in the wood products market. This is a great opportunity to learn more about the latest happenings in the world of forest management and stewardship.
The Convention runs from Saturday, October 5th, through Wednesday, October 9th. For more information or to register contact the SAF at 301.897.8720 or register online at