Thursday, 15 August 2002
FSC General Assembly Meeting: Nov. 22-26, Mexico
FSC-U.S. encourages all members to attend the FSC General Assembly 2002 in Oaxaca, Mexico on November 22-26 2002. This year members will have the opportunity to discuss and vote on the shape and future direction of the FSC. There will also be an economic chamber meeting prior to the General Assembly.
The General Assembly is the highest decision making body in the FSC. It is formed by individual members or delegates that are properly accredited by the member organizations. The General Assembly is exclusively responsible for revising the Statutes, By-Laws and the Principles and Criteria of the organization.There will also be a series of side meetings to give members the chance to increase their knowledge and share experiences with colleagues from all over the world.It is very important that FSC-U.S. members attend this important event. The early registration deadline for discounts and subsidies is August 31. The regular deadline for registration is October 15. You can register online at