Monday, 01 July 2002
Conference on Forest Owner Coops and Associations
The U.S. Forest Service, State Foresters in MA, ME, WI, and VT, National Wildlife Federation, New England Forestry Foundation, Cooperative Development Services, Community Forestry Resource Center, Cooperative Development Foundation, CooperationWorks, and the Cooperative Development Institute are hosting a conference in Massachusetts, November 1 & 2, to educate landowners and resource management professionals on how they can organize forestry co-ops to sustainable manage their forests.
Topics include: forest certification of co-ops, successful co-op models, and details on how to organize and manage a co-op (membership, legal and tax benefits, business planning, resources for development).
A field tour will feature a visit to two members of the FSC-certified Massachusetts Woodlands Cooperative, including a sawmill, a woodlot, and a tree farm. For more information, contact Sara MacKay at Cooperative Development Institute at 413.774.7599 x114