Newsletter Stories

Friday, 11 August 2017
Research: FSC Building Materials

Lumber - WWF UK (© B.Ealovega-WWFUK)© B.Ealovega-WWFUK

August 11, 2017

FSC is developing a resource list to help architects, builders and contractors find FSC-certified building materials in the US.

While there are many FSC-certified companies that are capable of manufacturing, distributing and selling FSC-certified building materials – such as dimensional lumber, plywood, glu-lams, timbers, flooring and more – not all certified suppliers stock FSC products or even supply them as special orders. As a result, the process to find FSC-certified building materials can be challenging, especially in some markets.

Not a week goes by that FSC US does not hear from a building project team looking for FSC certified building materials. As a staff team, we work hard to connect these teams with known suppliers.

In addition to maintaining the FSC Product Inquiry Form, we want to hear from suppliers to make sure we know about those of you who can consistently provide FSC-certified building materials, so we can point project teams in your direction. To this end, FSC US has developed an online survey that asks about building product categories in stock, or available as custom orders.

We encourage all FSC-certified suppliers interested in selling products directly to building project teams to complete the survey.

FSC will use this information to update our resource list, which we share with project teams upon request. We will be conducting research through October, so we have up-to-date information to share at Greenbuild and beyond. Thank you.

If you have questions, please contact FSC US Communications Director Brad Kahn (