Newsletter Stories

Thursday, 08 June 2017
Save the Date: FSC Leadership Awards

2017 FSC Leadership Awards - header

June 8, 2017

Each year in conjunction with Greenbuild, the Forest Stewardship Council hosts the FSC Leadership Awards. Designed to recognize enduring commitment to responsible forest management, the awards are given during a celebration event that brings together people from across the diverse FSC marketplace.

This year, we are very pleased to announce that the FSC Leadership Awards are being held on Wednesday, November 8 at the Knoll Boston Showroom, conveniently located down the block from the Boston Convention Center where Greenbuild will be held.

Everyone is invited to attend, so please spread the word.

Nominations open now for FSC Leadership Awards
And we encourage manufacturers, forest managers, builders, designers and others to submit nominations for the FSC Leadership Awards. Learn more and submit a nomination. The deadline to apply is September 8, 2017.