Newsletter Stories

Thursday, 28 May 2015
FSC International Launches New Marketing Toolkit

May 28, 2015

To support FSC-certified companies worldwide, FSC International has developed and launched a new global brand positioning and marketing toolkit. The toolkit, which is currently available for FSC Certificate Holders, provides ready-made campaign materials including print ads, digital ads and point-of-sale displays that companies can use in their marketing efforts.   

Over the past 20 years, FSC has become a well-trusted and established brand in sectors and markets around the world. With the global brand positioning and marketing toolkit, FSC International is elevating efforts to reach consumers directly. 

“The success of FSC has always depended on consumer awareness and demand for FSC-certified products. We have relied on our partners and certificate holders to spread the message of FSC on our behalf, and their success has been remarkable. But, we have also listened to their calls for more effective tools and materials that could inspire their customers to choose FSC – an identity that would connect with consumers and be memorable in the retail space. We believe the new branding and marketing toolkit will help them do this,” said Kim Carstensen, Director General of FSC International. 

The brand positioning was developed based on marketing research that reached 9,000 participants from 11 countries in Fall 2013. While the US was not included in this latest research, the entire effort was grounded in qualitative and quantitative market research that FSC US conducted nationally in 2012.  

The marketing toolkit is intended to provide campaign materials to a wide range of companies, which requires that those materials be somewhat generic. While industry-specific assets are available, the toolkit will not necessarily serve every company or every need.  For many companies, particularly those with limited in-house marketing capabilities, the toolkit represents an important new opportunity to engage customers with ready-made marketing materials that can be easily plugged into existing marketing initiatives.  

The online toolkit containing the new campaign materials can be immediately accessed by Certificate Holders, and will be available to non-certified Trademark License Holders later in the year. 

For more information about the new marketing toolkit, please visit: NOTE: To access most of the toolkit assets, Certificate Holders must secure login information from their Certification Body.  

If you have questions about the marketing toolkit, please contact FSC US director of marketing and business development, Dave Chaffin (