Newsletter Stories

Monday, 23 February 2015
First Public Consultation: Controlled Wood US National Risk Assessment

 (© Lori Knosalla)© Lori Knosalla

February 24, 2015

The first public consultation for the Controlled Wood US National Risk Assessment (US NRA) is open until March 13, 2015

The draft US NRA, a comment form, and a summary of the NRA are available on the consultation website

Your participation in this public consultation will help ensure that the new Controlled Wood system functions well in the US. After this consultation, the US NRA will be revised based on your input, and a second 30-day public consultation will be conducted before final review and approval of the US NRA by the FSC US Board of Directors. 

It is anticipated that the US NRA will be approved around July 1, 2015. Company risk assessments (the current system) will continue to be approved through the end of 2015, allowing time for companies to transition to the new system. 

If you have any questions about the Controlled Wood system, the US NRA, or the current public consultation, please contact Keith Stagg, FSC US Policy and Standards Manager, at k.stagg at us.fsc point org.