Newsletter Stories

Thursday, 29 May 2014
FSC Grant Looks to Boost Certified Pine Markets for Small Landowners


May 29, 2014

In response to growing interest from small landowners, FSC International created a Smallholders Fund that provides direct financial aid for several select projects benefiting small woodland owners and managers in the United States and around the world.  

The Fund recently awarded grants to several organizations, including the National Network of Forest Practitioners (NNFP) in the US. 

NNFP will deploy its Center for Cooperative Forest Enterprises to perform market due diligence, such as supply-demand analyses and business planning for a cooperative southern yellow pine (SYP) dimensional sawmill. The planned cooperative sawmill will supply FSC-certified lumber and boards to construction projects along the East Coast. 

In a time when most SYP lumber is grown using the fastest rotations possible, this project will maintain a strong emphasis on wood quality – building markets for FSC-certified southern yellow pine timber grown using uneven-aged management. Uneven-aged forest management of SYP incorporates longer growth periods and reduced use of pesticides and fertilizers, while allowing pines to grow dense and strong stems – wood that is prized for both its premium structural integrity in construction and beauty in finish work. 

For more information about NNFP, visit their website